VERITAS: A Thomistic Institute Conference
Why Be A Thomist?
June 26-30, 2024 | Dominican House of Studies, Washington, D.C.
Featuring Matt Fradd of Pints with Aquinas!

Featured Speakers:
Matt Fradd
Fr. James Brent, O.P.
Fr. Aquinas Guilbeau, O.P.
Thomas Hibbs
Josh Hochschild
Sr. Jane Dominic Laurel, O.P.
Fr. Dominic Legge, O.P.
Fr. Ambrose Little, O.P.
Jonathan Lunine
Jane Peters
Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P.
Fr. Stephen Ryan, O.P.
Sr. Anna Wray, O.P.
Our Student Leadership Conference is expanding to become our largest event! In addition to our student leaders, we will welcome Thomistic Institute members, alumni, and other members of the TI community to attend the weekend portion of the conference.
This year's theme is "Why Be A Thomist?" Our focus will be on the role of Thomistic thought in the contemporary world.
Veritas (Student Leaders) (June 26-30, 2024): Students who will be TI Campus Chapter leaders during the 2024-25 academic year will gather from Wednesday to Sunday for a time of formation in philosophy, theology, and the practical aspects of running a Thomistic Institute Chapter. There will also be times of prayer with the Dominican friars and opportunities to explore Washington, D.C.
Veritas (June 28-30, 2024): Speakers, members, alumni, and other Thomistic Institute constituents are invited to join the chapter leaders from Friday evening through Sunday afternoon for a celebration of St. Thomas Aquinas and the Thomistic Institute. The sessions from Friday to Sunday will be marked by philosophical and theological discussions, time for prayer, sacraments, meals, and socializing. We are pleased to welcome Matt Fradd as our keynote speaker for this inaugural VERITAS.
Photos from the 2023 Student Leadership Conference
Wednesday, June 26 - Sunday, June 30, 2024
Please note: this application is exclusively for current student leaders in our campus chapter programs. To learn more about our campus chapters, go here.
Reach out to your campus chapter coordinator or Ms. Klarissa Blank at to register.
Friday, June 28 - Sunday, June 30, 2024
Please note: This application is for current students who have applied for membership with the Thomistic Institute chapter at their university. If you are a current student and have not registered as a member, contact your chapter leader. Learn more about membership here.
The member invitation to VERITAS was sent out via email. If you have not received an email invitation and believe that was in error, please complete our Veritas Request Form.
Friday, June 28 - Sunday, June 30, 2024
If you are not a chapter leader or a TI Member, this form is for you! Apply to attend VERITAS here.
The registration deadline is Wednesday, June 12.
This event is in person only. If you cannot make it to the conference, be sure to listen to the lecture recordings after they are published on the Thomistic Institute podcast.