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An Hour of Study is an Hour of Prayer

University of Louisiana at Lafayette

A lecture by Prof. Michael Pakaluk (The Catholic University of America)

Wednesday, October 30th

7:00 PM

The Student Union

This lecture is free and open to the public.

About the speaker:

Michael Pakaluk is an internationally recognized Aristotelian scholar who studied under Quine and Putnam at Harvard while writing a dissertation on the philosophy of friendship under John Rawls.  Besides several books and many articles in philosophy, he is at work on a series of interpretations of the gospels (The Memoirs of St. Peter, Mary's Voice in the Gospel According to John, and, forthcoming, "Be Good Bankers": The Divine Economy in the Gospel of Matthew). He is currently writing an intellectual autobiography and books on John Henry Newman and Natural Law.  He has made important contributions to the professional ethics of accountants.  Pakaluk is a regular contributor to The Catholic Thing, and his essays may be found in Crisis, Our Sunday Visitor, First Things, and other venues.  He lives in Hyattsville, Maryland, with his wife, Catherine, a professor of economics, and their children.  In 2011 he was appointed a member of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas by Pope Benedict. 

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